Hello. Okay so this has been a bit of a hard week on me emotionally. Mom has called me several times this week in the middle of the night and not been there because she has dialed me inadvertently while trying to reach my sister and or her husband (he is David as well). You see she calls them with her mobile so that they can get her up to use the bathroom. *sigh* To make matter worse when I dial her back to make sure she is okay, I get her voicemail which is pretty scary as it is her having an emotional breakdown and pleading for you to leave a message as she love you. I can't take it, so I mostly just hang-up or hold the phone away from my ear even though I have the damn thing memorized. I have asked her to change it but I fear she can't manipulate the phone well enough to do so anymore. She will be here soon enough and when I can get my hands on the phone I will change the message myself. She is due to fly in on the 11th with my aunt and uncle. The best part is she is flying first class which she told me was one of the things in her life she always wished she could do. I will attempt to try and get some of those things knocked out off “her list” while she is here if I can. I sit today with my daughter asleep in her room with her best friend and my hired handyman putting up my new back door, while Kim is at mom’s church getting prayers and updating the congregation that cares about Mom so deeply. It is a special event today an anniversary of the little churches existence and the bishop will be there and such. Kim will take pictures for me to put up on their website that I did for my Mom (http://stphilipsanglicanchurch.org) they have a pot luck lunch afterwards and Kim brought her delegated items to share. Fortunately she has her sister to keep her company today and I am thankful for that. Although religion is not and will probably never be important for me it is for my Mom and so my family is doing their part for her.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
The handy man was supposed to come yesterday but he called and was sick and asked if he could come today. The irony is that I saw Mom’s “Father” Father John at Lowe’s while I was picking up the receipt for the door and I spent about a half hour or so talking with him. He is a very nice man and I am thankful he cares about my Mom.
I wrapped myself up the latter part of the week into creating a Class of 1983 website for my alumni friends and myself as we did not have a great showing for our reunion and I decided that I wanted to change that for our 30th in 5 years. (Http://www.NEHI1983.com) if I get some more money together from the donations link on that website I am going to create an Alumni site for all of Northeast so that when class sites are created they can all have one central link. As old as the school is I am amazed that one doesn’t already exist but hey I have seen some strange things when it comes to Internet presence.
Back to Mom again I have Kim working with my Gram to coordinate a nurse for care while Mom is staying at Grams because Mom’s condition will only worsen and Gram won’t be able to handle her now much less 3 months from now. The biggest issue so far is the wheelchair as I am discovering houses are not built with a wheelchair in mind…
Work this week has been super great I was able to once again work from home this week which allowed me the time to call and be called by Mom on a regular basis. I have been working on a special project analyzing the data on our commercial customers and why they are disconnecting our service. It is alarming to me how bad I am noticing that they economy is. I try not to think about it as I don’t need more bad news to add to my pile, and I also avoid keeping up with the news or any current events right now as well and quite frankly this has helped. *sigh*
My reunion last weekend was great for my brain. It allowed me to reconnect with old friends and share stories and parental advice and drink sociably on the beach and generally have a great time. As I stated earlier the biggest disappointment was the turnout but I will fix that… I did add some of my friends to my personal list of people I contact and I hope they don’t mind but I am sure they will tell me if they do.
Well I have to go check on the handy man’s progress.
Take care and have a great week,