Rules in no particular order
q Check at least once an hour on her even if she does not call and carry light remote and monitor with you if walking around the house.
q Potty Duties
o Clean portable potty bucket after each use, fill with 1 inch of water and dust the seat with powder
o Make certain that you wash Mom’s hand with a handy wipe after she uses potty
o If she has soiled he pants immediately remove and place in a plastic bag. Seal up bag and dispose in kitchen garbage at night and large garbage outside during the day
o Place wet clothing in wash and start wash leaving lid up until washer is full
o Make certain she wipes and uses wipes on hands afterwards
q Have spare trash bags in clear garbage can and fresh bag in wicker (white) can at all times
q In evening ensure that Mom’s cell phone is plugged into charger
q Place Mom’s drinking glass on washcloth on bedside table and change wash cloth every two days
q Change drinking glass at end of every shift
o Make certain she gets fresh water to take her pills
o Add ice to her glass on occasion
q Change sheets and pillow cases:
o Monday Morning
o Wednesday Morning
o Friday Morning
o Or as needed for accidents or bathing
q Vacuum the house
o Monday Morning
o Wednesday Morning
o Friday Morning
q Trash is to be emptied every day to large can outside
o Garbage pickup on Monday and Friday make sure large can is by road
o Small garbage is used for soiled pants is to be dumped immediately
o All ashtrays around house and out on patio are to be dumped everyday
o Check for garbage in all rooms to be emptied
q Dishes are to be washed and put away after each meal
q Mom’s teeth need to be brushed and flossed after each meal
o Currently she is able to do this with assistance
§ Hand her a flossing stick and throw out when used
<SPANSTYLE="FONT-FAMILY: Wingdings? mso-bidi-font-family: Wingdings; mso-fareast-font-family:>§ Place some toothpaste on the brush and hand her the brush have a glass of water and the bowl for her to spit in after rinsing
o When she is no longer able to do this by herself we will come up with a different plan
q Bathing
o A bed bath should be given every evening
o A shower should be given On Monday during the day
q Lotion
q Turn Mom in bed on occasion to prevent bed sores
q For sleeping make sure she has a knit cap on her head, either the white heavy one or the red Buccaneer’s one unless of course she is hot to begin with
q DO NOT TOUCH the air conditioners
o Make certain the fans are positioned to circulate the air into Mom’s room
o Ask Mom whether she is hot or cold
q Get Mom up for Meals in wheelchair to dining room table unless she is miserable
q During the day if she has no visitors please take her for a walk around the neighborhood in her wheelchair to get some fresh air. There is a park on 14th street 2 blocks up as well.
q Help grandmother with food preparation
o Breakfast
o Lunch
o Dinner
q Laundry to be done P.M. shift
o If soiled clothing is involved immediately turn on washer and fill up tank leaving lid up to stop cycle until washer is full with clothes
o FOLLOW DIRECTIONS on laundry detergent as it is concentrated!
o Ask Gram if she has any dirty laundry to go in the wash, to ensure full load.
o Laundry needs to be dried, hung up/folded before P.M. shift leaves at 8:00 a.m.
o A.M. shift will put all cleaned laundry in its proper place. If you are unsure where something goes, ask Gram
q Kitchen Floor to be cleaned on Tuesday
q Bathroom needs to be thoroughly cleaned on Thursday
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