Ok so I am very tired now. I am sitting in a chair in a small shared room in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Bayfront Hospital. It took us 9 hours to get into this room. In the mean time we missed the regular time for taking Mom’s medication. All I can say is thank goodness I brought them. As soon as we got up here I was able to give them to her. Food on the other had came much more difficultly. Of course the cafeteria was closed. They scrounged up a sandwich for mom and some vanilla pudding which I fed her to completion so she would have something in her. Her cough did not subside nor did it get worse. They gave her a transfusion of 1 “unit” as she was down. (I have no idea how they knew that but hey) it did seem to perk her up a bit. She has managed to get a few hours of sleep despite the elderly women in the room with us that talks loudly in her sleep and is delusional when she wakes. She doesn’t know how she got here and she thinks she is leaving soon to play bingo. It’s sad. I can’t stress enough how important it is for someone, anyone to accompany you to a hospital. Someone to watch over you, make sure you are treated correctly, with the right medication and such. It’s downright scary to watch. The accommodations for me the care giver are horrible compared to the hospital in Spokane (Deaconess) this hospital is a bit like a cardboard house under an interstate. The vending machines are lame and some are broken they only have 5 total in the place. Two are off. The cookies I got out of one smelled like the guy that loaded it smoked cigarettes. It was pretty gross, I through them out. The chair I am in has a high back but the angle of it does not lend itself for napping let alone sleeping. The room is so crammed I am literally behind the door. The staff on this floor have been nice and they seem to care which is nice but otherwise forget it. They don’t have blankets or pillows. Thank goodness I brought Mom’s pillow she is using that. The pillow they provided is propping up mom’s legs for the blood clots. The blankets on Mom came from our 9 hour stay in ER as does the sheet. The blanket and sheet that came on this bed are wrapped around my legs lest I end up with frostbite.
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Kim brought me Wendy’s before she returned to Gram’s to crash which was grand! I really appreciate her support. I scarfed down a double, fries and some chili and went to the vending machine for 2 bags of Fritos BBQ and those shitty cookies. It’s 5:20AM and I am very tired and hungry. I am pretty certain we are going to get out of here as the only thing they are doing for her that I didn’t do or couldn’t do has now been completed. I can certainly give her a couple of pills for her cough just as much as the next guy and then maybe we could all get some sleep. It seems to me her cough is more than just a cough but so far no one has acknowledged anything more than the obvious. (LOL) The lady next to us is having a full conversation one sided out loud now in her sleep. She says things like Oh My, No I can’t stay here longer and such. It’s cute, funny, scary and sad all at once.
I wonder when the dang cafeteria opens. I hope the food is at least decent. I was really spoiled in Spokane and I had no idea. All I can say is we better see a doctor today.
I logged in to the VPN and sent an email to my bosses to let them know where I was and that I was available by phone if needed. I am pretty sure I should be fine as I didn’t have anything scheduled on the calendar.
*Yawn* Okay well I guess I am going to go play some more Fate so that I can stay awake. Talk with you later…
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