Friday, September 5, 2008

weekend friday report

Okay so the weekend is here and once again I am at my grandmother’s with a watchful ear on my sleeping mom. It’s 9pm and my grandmother and mom are in bed already. When I arrived Debra had waited since I called and said I would be 5 minutes late. She played a bit of a game about the fact that I was late several times. It was rather annoying after the first time since I had called and instructed Gram to tell her to have Debra leave at her appointed 8pm time. I arrived at exactly 8:07p. Anyway I smelled something funny and I figured out it was a combination of cigarette smoke and poop. The poop smell was coming from the porta-potty which had tracks on the side, no water in it and no powder on the seat. All of which I verbally instructed her to do. I am not happy. In addition the wipes were not out leading me to believe that Mom’s hands have not been washed after she wiped which is another point of contention. I had an interesting day at work today but it was good to actually do some work it took my mind off the situation somewhat which was good.

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We have a hurricane possibly heading this way, Ike. It looks like it will be off of <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Florida’s lower coastline on Wednesday. So we shall see. Generally hurricanes that follow the path of Ike are not very good ones as they tend to move water into the bay which will be devastating. Basically for me a hurricane would be bad as it would create even more stress on me as we would have My mom and Kim’s Mom and sister come and stay with us and my grandmother would likely go to Nita’s house as she lives right around the corner from me. It’s hard enough staying here on the weekends let alone a jam packed scared house full of women. I’m hoping it gets beat up by Cuba like the rest of the ones…


I also killed my Facebook and MySpace pages after I had made a comment to one of my “friends” on a picture she posted that was like 20 years old in which she looked attractive and I made a quick comment saying the photo made my heart race or something to that effect. It had been up there for a week or two but her husband apparently saw it and didn’t like the comment and said so in his “status” one liner which caused Kim to investigate and putting two and two together made a big deal out of it to me. I wrote an apology per Kim’s instructions and killed my accounts to avoid any big deal with Kim. The whole thing to me was a bit ridicules as it was just a picture and if I was him I would have taken it as a compliment much like she did when I made the comment, but alas, Kim was mad at me and I don’t need any more stress in my world so I ended it as quickly as I could. I also reminded Kim in not so soft of a voice that I was the one that picked her to marry me not the other way around and that I was not going anywhere it was just a  comment such as people make to one another, as far as I was concerned. .Kim has now rescinded and said I could reestablish my account but quite frankly I could care less except for the occasional line I was dropping to my REAL friends and such and the occasional cool find of new music from various profiles as well, it doesn’t do much for me anyway. I mean I have a website after all! Anyway, I will continue to weigh the pros and cons and decide some other time…


In other news we are going to take Mom to Bok tower tomorrow as she has always wanted to go and it should be a good aventure. I will try to write tomorrow and report on how it went. I am off to play some Fate (a game) …

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

   I thought I would comment on your little diatribe regarding your version of the story regarding Myspace as you mentioned.  Because while you either have convinced yourself you’re being truthful, or this is the illusion you present for Kim.... you can decide that!  This will be the last thing I mention about this issue.  Firstly, I am sorry for how sick your mother is and I can't say I know how it is... because I have never been through it.

    But.... you said you had listed your comment on my wife's page for a week or two before I commented.  You posted (and I paraphase) "Sisters, Suess, and Where the Wild things are....Some of my favorites, but when are you going to post some pictures of your hot self".  Not really a big deal to me, could care less, I know my wife is hot, I've always thought so!!!  But after she posted the picture you DIDN'T post the comment on her page, you sent her a Private Message, that didn't appear on her page, as far as I was concerned, so Kim and I would not see it!!!!  That's what angered me to make my original post on "Status".  It even prompted you to send my wife another message asking if my anger was prompted at you, WHY WOULD YOU JUMP TO THAT CONCLUSION, DID YOU THINK YOU DID SOMETHING WRONG!  I never commented directly to you about your comments, and I never sent copies of your comments to Kim, though I was tempted to.  It also seems ironic that Kim jumped to the same conclusion about my message, without even mentioning anyone's name.....Past experiences???  Who knows, I won't judge you or her decisions when it doesn't concern me.  Your apology sent to my wife's email address was "half-hearted" and you believed you had done nothing wrong!  You never even attempt to contact me to offer an apology!  You should thank your lucky stars that Kim is a forgiving person, because regardless of "who chose who", that's not how it works.